Thursday 10 September 2009

P1 Hold First Their First Video Conference

The boys and girls of P1 held their first video conference today with the P1 class in Auchenlodment Primary School.  We introduced ourselves then played a phonics game.  One class mimed the action for a sound and the other class watched and guessed the sound, then we swapped over and back again.  We are all very good at our sounds and guessed them all right.  Then we spoke about our favourite class books.  We said goodbye but we'll meet again soon as we had such fun.  We're going to "write" about it tomorrow.


  1. Auchenldment Primary11 September 2009 at 13:19

    Thank you boys and girls for a great GLOW meet. P1 had a ball and can't wait to talk to you again. What song will we have next time?

  2. Hello P1,
    Its the children from Ysgol Heulfan here. We have bikes at school. Do you have bikes? Do you do reading in your school? Love 2D

  3. Primary 1 are on holiday at the moment. Unfortunately we don't have bikes. If we did we have nowhere to store them but we do enjoy reading. We'll send you a note of some of our favourite books when we come back from holiday next week.
