Wednesday 14 October 2009

Clothes Show Europe - The Work Begins!

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Primary 1 started planning their activities for their new International Education project which is due to roll out next term.  The boys and girls decided that they would like their own mannequins for our clothes shop which we will eventually have in class.  As you can see they have made a good start and worked well together in small teams.  We have lots more exciting ideas for our project.

Our Number Assessments

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Earlier in the term, our teachers checked to see how we were doing with our numbers. We have been using them in lots of games and activities in the class. We all had a different number mat and had to lay out towers or lines with the right number of items to match the number written on the mat. Here are some of our class with our number mats. We also read lots of numbers out to our teachers to show we could recognise them. One of our favourite activities was putting our number cards into order when the teacher muddled them up. Once we had them in order, when a partner turned one of our cards face down, we could tell them which one was missing. Our teachers think we're magic!