Thursday 10 September 2009

P1 Hold First Their First Video Conference

The boys and girls of P1 held their first video conference today with the P1 class in Auchenlodment Primary School.  We introduced ourselves then played a phonics game.  One class mimed the action for a sound and the other class watched and guessed the sound, then we swapped over and back again.  We are all very good at our sounds and guessed them all right.  Then we spoke about our favourite class books.  We said goodbye but we'll meet again soon as we had such fun.  We're going to "write" about it tomorrow.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Early Days

Our new Primary 1 pupils are settling in well. Their buddies are working hard to support them and they have quickly adapted to their school routine. Here is a group photo taken on their first day at school. Keep checking back here to see what they get up to.